

这是我在一个宠物网站看到的,不知道能不能帮到你。 不同肩带的含义(国外) Buckle on the right side of the body means “he is a boy”. 如果肩带扣在身体右侧就表示“他是公狗”。 A buckle on the left side of the body indicates “she is a girl”. 如果肩带扣在身体左侧就表示“她是母狗”。 The top-quality dog harnesses should have safety buckles that can only be opened with an extra key or special tool. 高档的狗狗安全带应该配有安全扣眼,只有通过专用钥匙或工具才能打开。 This feature is especially important for collars and harnesses designed to hold leashes. 这一点对那些拴着绳子用的项圈和皮带尤其重要。 In some cases, you may want your dog to wear his harness all day every day – for example if he’s a guide dog in training. 在一些情况下,你可能想要让你的狗狗整日整夜地都佩戴它的护具——例如正在训练中的导盲犬。 In such instances, it's best to choose a model with a sturdy buckle and easy-to-use leash attachment. 这种情况下最好选择带有结实扣眼的型号并易于安装牵引带。 And as mentioned above, ensure the buckle locks securely into place when not in use. 而且正如上面所提到的,确保扣眼在不使用的时候能够牢固锁紧。
